Read Our Blogs
Spaying and Neutering: Benefits and Timing
By: Caitlin Spillers, DVM [printer-friendly version] Determining what age to spay or neuter your pet is an important decision that your veterinarian can help you make! While it may seem like a simple answer, there is a lot that goes into the recommendation and the appropriate age to consider this for your little one. This…
Read MoreFinding the Perfect New Dog
By: Kathryn Sarpong, DVM, DABVP [printer-friendly version] COVID and working from home have brought lots of new animals into our lives. I know many families are still contemplating a new dog. What type, what size, what personality, fits my life? These are important decisions to consider. Where To Find a Dog-Breeder Versus Shelter / Rescue…
Read MoreEPIC Study Results May Help Dogs with Heart Disease
By: Lauren Strazdis, DVM [printer-friendly version] The most common cause of heart disease and heart failure in dogs is chronic degenerative valvular disease (CVD). The mitral valve is usually the valve that degenerates, or becomes weaker, over time in a patient with CVD. The mitral valve separates the two main chambers on the left side…
Read MoreWhat Does It Mean if Your Pet Has a Heart Murmur?
By: Lauren Strazdis, DVM [printer-friendly version] A “heart murmur” is an abnormal sound heard by a veterinarian while listening to the heart using a stethoscope. This sound indicates turbulent blood flow in the heart, meaning that some blood is not flowing smoothly through the heart or in the proper direction. There are many parts of…
Read MoreThe Dangers of Heatstroke in Dogs
By: Lauren Strazdis, DVM [printer-friendly version] Dogs cannot regulate their body temperature by sweating like humans do because they only have a few sweat glands on their paw pads. They instead rely on evaporation by panting to cool off in hot environments. No matter how much a dog pants, there are some situations where they…
Read MoreDiarrhea in Dogs and Cats
By: Rebecca Donaldson, DVM [printer-friendly version] Unfortunately, we’ve all experienced diarrhea at some point and know first-hand the discomfort it causes. Our pets can experience that same discomfort if they develop diarrhea too. While not pleasant to discuss, and especially not fun to discover on our carpets, it is important to educate yourself on the…
Read MoreEar Infections (Otitis Externa) in Dogs and Cats
By: Rebecca Donaldson, DVM [printer-friendly version] Outer ear infection is one of the most common types of infections seen in pets and is referred to as otitis externa. How can I tell if my pet has an ear infection? An ear infection may occur in just one ear or can affect both ears at the same…
Read MoreFive Steps to Practical Pet Weight Loss
By: Emily L. Adamson, DVM [printer-friendly version] Your veterinarian has recommended that your pet lose some weight. Your first question might be, “How do I know my pet weighs too much?” This can be a tricky question with so many varieties of breeds, it’s hard to have an exact “goal weight” for every dog or…
Read MoreSeparation Anxiety in Dogs
by: Kathryn Junkins Sarpong, DVM, DABVP [printer-friendly version] What is it? – Pets acting anxious, destructively or vocalizing when away from their people. Examples – Your dog chews up the rug and urinates in your house whenever you go to work. The neighbors complain your dog cries constantly whenever you have to run an errand.…
Read MoreLiving with a FeLV Positive Cat
By: Mireya Cavazos [printer-friendly version] What is FeLV?Feline Leukemia Virus is a retrovirus that is one of the most common infectious diseases of cats. There is a higher risk factor for male gender, adulthood, and outdoor roaming cats. Cats that test positive may live for many years depending on what stage of the virus they…
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