Addison’s Disease

by Dr. David Deresz [printer-friendly version] Addison’s Disease, also known as hypoadrenocorticism, is an endocrine disorder usually seen in younger dogs, typically under 2-3 years of age. The low production of the steroid cortisol, as well as low production of water retaining hormone aldosterone, are the driving forces of this disease. Clinical signs include intermittent…

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Canine Influenza and the New Vaccine

[printer-friendly version] Canine Influenza is a flu virus that affects dogs. It is thought to have mutated from the equine influenza a few years ago and was first seen in racing greyhounds in 2004. Recently, a new vaccine has been released with conditional approval and has generated a lot of press about this virus. There…

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Recent Distemper Outbreak in Racoons and Dogs

You may have spotted raccoons in your yard or in the street recently acting confused or “friendly.” Most of these raccoons are suffering from a very deadly virus called distemper. The raccoons should not be approached, and you should keep your pets and children away from them. A call to Dallas Animal Control at 311…

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What is Separation Anxiety in Dogs?

By Dr. Kathryn Sarpong, DVM Some dogs with too much unused energy and a highly developed bond to their families can develop destructive tendencies or excessive barking when left alone.  This can include destroying items in the house, scratching at doors or windows, destroying blinds, barking continuously, or having accidents in the house.   Certain breeds…

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