Dr. Lavender has a yearly mission trips in her role as President of the Spay Neuter Network. The team travels the world providing spay-neuter services (and veterinary training) to underprivileged and overwhelmed areas such as Philippines, and most recently, Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rico, post-Hurricane Maria, has seen a rise in displaced animals. With Dr. Lavender, the Spay Neuter Network team, and the ViDAS [Veterinarios Internacionales Dedicados a Animales Sanos (International Veterinarians Dedicated to Animal Health)], 3,350 animals were spayed/neutered.

Upon her return, Dr. Lavender said, “The Puerto Rico spay-neuter campaign was tough. The goal was 3550, which we made! But 6 days of high volume spay-neuter is really challenging. My super tech, Elsa, kept up with my personal goal of at least 50 per day. It was an incredible honor to be a part of the VIDAS group in the PR 2019 Spay-athon initiative.
The big question is…..where to next???”