January, February, and March 2018 dates for Heart Disease Screening for Cats, aged 2 and older, available now!
There exists a large population of cats who fall into the category of having aclinical (asymtomatic) heart disease. The cat may sound normal with a stethoscope exam, and may look and act normally, but they may have significant underlying heart disease that can go undetected, until they get really sick really fast!
The screening test is specifically for cats who are 2+ years of age or older and are coming in for their Annual Exam.
We will check their blood pressure and we do a mini-sonogram of the heart to rule out Heart Disease, or determine if your cat’s heart is borderline-abnormal.
We are performing these screenings at the locations and dates listed below.
Need to schedule your Annual Exam with Heart Disease Screening? Call us now!
White Rock Clinic – (214) 324-1500
January 17
February 14
March 14
Oak Cliff Clinic – (214) 939-1600
January 16
February 13
March 13